Game Server Rating "Perfect World"

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  • Perfect World
  • NeverLand ➤ Марафон Новичков 26 апреля ➤ Самый масштабный проект версии 1.5.1
Perfect World

NeverLand ➤ Марафон Новичков 26 апреля ➤ Самый масштабный проект версии 1.5.1

  • Server type:Normal
  • Online:1000
  • Server number:1
  • Redirects:546
Особенности проекта
✅ Храм Стихий отсутствует
✅ Квест на серебряные монеты в Серебряной цитадели можно взять 7 раз в неделю
✅ Актуализированы некоторые ЦГД и р6 пухи
✅ Добавлена Арена Авроры и тд
Server rates:
😈 Monsters: Experience x2, Spirit x10, Yuan x0. 1️⃣ After the first rebirth - Experience x8,
2️⃣ After the second rebirth - Experience x7
Quests: Experience x2, Spirit x10, Yuan x1.
1️⃣ After the first rebirth - Experience x8,
2️⃣ After the second rebirth - Experience x7

Project features:
✅ The Temple of the Elements is missing
The quest for silver coins in the Silver Citadel can be taken 7 times a week at any time
✅ Some CGD and p6 fluffs have been updated
✅ The Aurora Arena has been added
✅ Abbreviated (but not simplified) passage of the KX
✅ A unique system of detailed statistics on GWG has been developed
✅ Added a unique event of the Sminfis race
✅ A user - friendly server interface has been developed
✅ Added a Race event in the Cube
✅ Asura Jumps and Plateaus have been updated
As well as many other things, read more on the website in the Description of the server.
Game worlds


x2 ~3165 ppl. online 1.5.1 Normal
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